Sunday, April 3, 2022

Welcome to the start of Kalina's journey. Where it leads, I do not know. But we will for sure be finding out. We will follow her through all the twists and turns in her life, She begins in a random town with her cat Bagel by her side!

I will document it all through the blog. I hope you enjoy my readers. Feel free to comment, to voice concerns or even things you find amusing! 

Kalina was from Bridgeport, She was born and raised on top of a high rise apartment with her parents. She always dreamed big. The bigger, the better. The adventurer in her though found the city to be too easy. She was raised well though, with plenty of love and life lessons to be obtained. As soon as Kalina left high school though, her biggest plan was to exit out of Bridgeport. Her parents were none too thrilled, but they knew they couldn't keep her restless spirit still. The day came to pass and Kalina took her exit. Her parents gave her enough to survive and off she went. 

She found herself in a stormy quiet town that had much potential for a future. There, she bought herself a small house and settled in. She didn't have dreams of a man, or children right now. The only thing she dreamed of was to rule..... with her trusty cat Bagel by her side. Kalina's big dreams were to become CEO of a large business. It was all she wanted in life. Soon as she set up her new home, she went straight away to apply. She was let in on the grounds she was start from the bottom and work her way up.... with a small bump if she decided to go to college while she was working with them. To all that she agreed. 

After she was hired, Kalina was in the mood for some trouble and decided to go digging through the trash. Not only that, she was low on funds. Perhaps she could find a thing or two to sell or refurbish for her house. Poor girl though, the only thing she could manage to find was a bug or two and a chair. Afterwards, she was stopped by a group of people that just wanted to talk with her. She stunk to high heaven though and was tired from her... unsanitary adventures. All she wanted was a shower and to curl up to he cat, these people would NOT shut up though, no matter how many times she yawned! Finally though, they could see what a bore they were to her and she hailed a taxi back home.

There, she took her shower and decided for her first real day, though she had barely any money, she was going to do it in style and order pizza. How heavenly the smell and taste of it was when it arrived! After, she curled up on the couch with Bagel and pet him until it was time for bed. All in all, Kalina thought she had a decent first day. Her low funds made her worried though that she would even be able to keep this wonderful house that needed many upgrades and furnishings. All in good time though!

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