Monday, April 4, 2022

A new frienmy?!


The next day, Kalina was ready. She was ready to start her way clawing to the top of the business world. This was her chance, her step up to make it. The day went smoothly and she made 150 dollars for the day. She made no mistakes and she was even nearing a promotion. As she headed out the door proud of her first day, her thoughts swum of making food. She had to go grocery shopping and now had the funds to do so. However, as she waited for the taxi to take her shopping, a rustling behind her caught her attention. She could hear some one digging around in the very dumpster she was in prior. Curiousity had gotten the best of her and she decided to check it out.

As she stood there tapping her foot watching the woman dig away, the woman stopped and got out of the dumpster. Giving a shy but happy look at Kalina, and offered her hand. Kalina begrungingly took it and scoffed at the woman. Her proud and snobby nature couldn't stand the thought of some one in her stomping grounds, doing things she did for survival at the moment. Kalina though wisened up just a bit and figured she could try and make friends with this woman. The woman introduced herself as Tomeka.

Tomeka lived on the other side of town with two roommates, had gotten fired from being a Pizza delivery woman, the very woman that gave her pizza last night. As expected.... Kalina was horrified. How could one person get fired from the lowest of all jobs. It was no wonder the poor thing was out here digging through all the trash. Out of the blue, Tomeka suggested they play a small game. Which was rock, paper, scissors. Kalina, took the chance out to be the asshole she was and scared the poor girl, the sheer look of terror on Tomeka's face made her very giddy inside. After that, they exchanged a few more words and Kalina decided she was bored of the girl. 

She finally headed to the grocery store. Back home, she made herself a lovely mozeralla salad. She was happy. It was all coming together, slowly but surely. She had one more day of work, then it was a day off. She wasn't looking forward to that at all. A day off meant that she wasn't going to work towards anymore promotions and that simply was not ok. After dinner, she decided to admire a small prize and put where it fit the most, on her kitchen counter. Kalina left out a tiny detail, she was a klepto and enjoyed stealing things from work. She managed to steal a fruit bowl that very afternoon. What better place to put than where she could admire it most?

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