Monday, April 4, 2022

A not so leisure day!


The very next day, Kalina did it. She had another perfect day and managed herself all the way up to a promotion. In only three days working there, she showed she has what it takes to rise their ranks. She was proud of herself, not terribly because too much pride she was aware would set her up for failure. She smiled as everyone clapped for her and now was a level 2 at her job. With that, also came a small quest for a raise if she wanted it. She only had to deliver some papers to the hospital. Without a second to miss, Kalina accepted the small side job. She got her raise too and that was to the tune of a dollar. Everything was coming up Kalina. 

Just as she was finished handing in the papers though, reality and sadness struck. The workaholic she was, she realized she would be out of work the next day as it was leisure day. Her brain raced with thoughts of what she would do. As the gears spun in her head, she remembered a long while back about hearing how you can make a quick buck with the festival and the flowers, some where rare and pricey. She didn't want to overindulge. Just enough so that she could fix her issues. To her not actually working for her position was cheating. However, she wasn't leaving the faire with out causing a rukus first and decided it was time to make things go ka-boom! 

After a fun filled day, it was finally leisure day. Kalina got herself what she desired most and that was a brand new computer with a nice new desk and chair. Now the workaholic in her was able to work even on her days off. However, that day had other plans for her. That morning her shower decided to break down forcing her to fix it as she was too stingy to call the repair man. Plus, it was good experience on her part. So she spent the morning fixing it up. Though, by the time that was done she needed to mop the floor as it was now a giant wet mess, Bagel had taken the liberty of rolling around in the water giving himself a bath too. Which slightly made things even worse on the poor girl. She managed though. By the time she finally sat down to work though, to her dismay, half the day was already gone. 

She salvaged what few hours she could and worked as hard as she could. Though, some how from all the stress of the day, it just wasn't as fun as she imagined. She could only truly concentrate on a few hours if that. By night time, her boss had called to chat and to make sure the papers were delivered to the hospital.

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