Friday, April 8, 2022

A rather wasted Sunday


Sunday morning sun came. The cats Bagel and Toaster were outside playing with each other. Bagel was showing Toaster the proper ways to beg while ensuring with a few added paw movements she could get the best treats desirable. Bagel always looked out for his little Toaster. 

Kalina on the other hand, she woke up feeling like the previous night was all a dream. She was still in a deep haze. Even more so in denial. As she pondered how to spend her Sunday, Bagel took the chance to show that morning's lessons live to Toaster. He got himself a nice hunk of cheese tossed down to the floor at him. Kalina was none the wiser that the cats seemed to be conspiring against her.

She did however, hear about a new place that opened up in town called the Sugar Cube. Rather than spending the day with science or working away she decided one day off couldn't hurt. She needed to feel... normal whatever that was now. The "dreams" lingered with her all morning and she tried her hardest to push them aside. She got dressed and headed out the door.

At the Sugar Cube, there was a tall, pale and handsome man behind the counter ringing up food. Kalina, shy as she might be was also determined to introduce herself. She had never before met a super natural and a Vampire... well, for science sake. She needed to know him better. On the surface, he seemed polite. Things quickly shifted though as she was hypnotized by him. Her eyes grew green and before he could further use her for a snack, perhaps even drain her, more people came in. He backed off and blinked at her a bit, then smiled. Kalina shook her head wondering what just happened and quickly got from behind the counter. Today just wasn't her day! 

Tomeka came up behind her and they exchanged some words. Kalina tried hard to be friendly with her this time, thinking they got off on the wrong foot the first day they met. Tomeka was kind enough to point out she was pregnant and the days were starting to be rough on her. Kalina on the other hand, couldn't understand because she was too focused on her job and the rush that science gave her that she hadn't even thought about having a family. This obviously upset the pregnant and very hormonal Tomeka. Next thing Kalina knew they were going at each other in a screaming match. Each judging the other for their choices. Kalina being ruthless didn't back down. By the end of it, they both hated each other. There was no hope for them to become friends after this. 

After the massive roof shattering fighting between the two, Tomeka took off in a hurry. Not wanting to fight anymore. Kalina realized that her entire day had been wasted. Albit a good distraction, but still nothing at all was accomplished. So much for trying to feel normal for a day. She sat down at th counter and treated herself to a shrimp plate before calling it a night and readying herself for the week ahead. For a few moments though, nothing existed but her and this wonderous seafood.

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