Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Adventures in Poppyland

Adventures with the newly moved in Poppy.

I was very bored last night and had not played the sims for a good while. I haven't had a.... wild Sim since Hashtag. So... thus I created Poppy. I spent over an hour making her. Boy does she keep me laughing.
Her adventure starts out in river whatever. She starts off by needing to talk to herself (as I redid her house to a more reasonable look) then noticing she had no food she decided to go shopping. However, little Poppy is hot headed. Which means she enjoys to start fights with whomever. Poor lady sitting there enjoying the day got a taste of that as they spent a good bit arguing and Poppy exercised her right to smack her across the face. With an onlooker cheering them on, Poppy lost the battle. She couldn't make friends with the man as he was a celebrity and quickly grew bored of her and her non wealthy antics. So, Poppy took an angry ride home on her broom reflecting on just how she would mess with the town. She decided she was going to try tomorrow to enter the journalism field.

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