Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Conversation means conversion

 Back home poppy decided to have a dance to make herself feel better. She worked up such an appitite it forced her to make some food. She settled on three bowls of mac and cheese. After that she felt like going for a refreshing jog outside. She loved the cool breeze. After that though it was bed time for our dear friend Poppy.

It stormed badly all night. The next morning though, while looking outside Poppy noticed there were deep puddles. It drove her so wild she had to run and play in a few. As she was, she had remembered a spell suddenly she could do called a conversation spell. She bounced around a little bit more then with the gears spinning in her head she ran inside soaked through and through. She ran breathlessly to the fridge and rummaged around thinking about what cool ingredient she could have a conversation with. Then she plucked out what she thought was the coolest item she had. A raw meat patty. If she could get it to talk she would name it Patty.
She stood back, cleared her throat and hoisted her wand in the air, she said a few words and thrashed it about. The spell failed and she hung her head for a moment. Then she cleared her throat and threw her hand up in the air and recited the spell again. Sparks flew out the wand this time as she pointed it at the object. A big cloud of smoke, and the object suddenly was no longer a patty but now a truffle. Poppy was disappointed. It wasn't a conversation spell after all, it was a conversion spell. She wondered what else it could do.

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