Friday, April 8, 2022

A rather wasted Sunday


Sunday morning sun came. The cats Bagel and Toaster were outside playing with each other. Bagel was showing Toaster the proper ways to beg while ensuring with a few added paw movements she could get the best treats desirable. Bagel always looked out for his little Toaster. 

Kalina on the other hand, she woke up feeling like the previous night was all a dream. She was still in a deep haze. Even more so in denial. As she pondered how to spend her Sunday, Bagel took the chance to show that morning's lessons live to Toaster. He got himself a nice hunk of cheese tossed down to the floor at him. Kalina was none the wiser that the cats seemed to be conspiring against her.

She did however, hear about a new place that opened up in town called the Sugar Cube. Rather than spending the day with science or working away she decided one day off couldn't hurt. She needed to feel... normal whatever that was now. The "dreams" lingered with her all morning and she tried her hardest to push them aside. She got dressed and headed out the door.

At the Sugar Cube, there was a tall, pale and handsome man behind the counter ringing up food. Kalina, shy as she might be was also determined to introduce herself. She had never before met a super natural and a Vampire... well, for science sake. She needed to know him better. On the surface, he seemed polite. Things quickly shifted though as she was hypnotized by him. Her eyes grew green and before he could further use her for a snack, perhaps even drain her, more people came in. He backed off and blinked at her a bit, then smiled. Kalina shook her head wondering what just happened and quickly got from behind the counter. Today just wasn't her day! 

Tomeka came up behind her and they exchanged some words. Kalina tried hard to be friendly with her this time, thinking they got off on the wrong foot the first day they met. Tomeka was kind enough to point out she was pregnant and the days were starting to be rough on her. Kalina on the other hand, couldn't understand because she was too focused on her job and the rush that science gave her that she hadn't even thought about having a family. This obviously upset the pregnant and very hormonal Tomeka. Next thing Kalina knew they were going at each other in a screaming match. Each judging the other for their choices. Kalina being ruthless didn't back down. By the end of it, they both hated each other. There was no hope for them to become friends after this. 

After the massive roof shattering fighting between the two, Tomeka took off in a hurry. Not wanting to fight anymore. Kalina realized that her entire day had been wasted. Albit a good distraction, but still nothing at all was accomplished. So much for trying to feel normal for a day. She sat down at th counter and treated herself to a shrimp plate before calling it a night and readying herself for the week ahead. For a few moments though, nothing existed but her and this wonderous seafood.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A not so welcome visit


The weekend was here, Kalina was being driven mad the second she woke up by the simple fact that she couldn't advance any further at her job. There was no work at all to be done. No matter if she plugged way at her PC being a workaholic. All efforts on the matter, at least for this weekend would be futile. She decided, in the spirit of such, she would need a hobby. 

After breakfast and playing with the two cats a bit, she went to the town mall. Each shop was curious in nature to her. She didn't have a lot to spend but she wanted to do something worthwhile. After spending much of the afternoon there, she decided to get a research station. If anything, she would be able to spend her life pursing the simple but complicated art that is science. She rather enjoyed the challenge of it all. 

Back home, after she finally had it all set up it was time to fiddle with her new toy. To see all that it could do. She loved every beep, sound and whoosh it made. She was sure within time she would discover what remarkable things the machine could do. For now, she was happy simply just to research and learn about it as well as learn about life. She could see all she wanted up close and even perform experiments. 

It was close to 2 A.M. when Kalina decided to call it quits with the research station. She was quite tired standing before it rubbing at her eyes. She saw some flashing lights outside and bolted after the door, intent on chasing them down. What happened next though... would be a story no one would believe. A beam of light came over her and against her will she was lifted up in the air. 

Poor Kalina was taken aboard the ship of madman aliens that enjoyed experimenting on the human race. She had heard stories always but never believed she would be a target. Now, she was living the nightmare. A few hours later she was brought back where they found her, though, not unviolated. An alien discharged from their ship a moment before promptly retuning  to his vessel after a very dazed and confused Kalina was put safely back on the sidewalk.

Monday, April 4, 2022

A new addition to the Sloss house!


Friday was finally here, the day started out smooth. As Kalina was filing some paperwork some one in a suit and tie stopped her for a moment and asked if she would like to switch jobs. To which she declined. As much as polishing podiums and rising the ranks in government sounded quite fun, it simply wasn't what she had envisioned for herself at the moment. She couldn't be CEO of the free world, she wanted to be CEO of a company. The man asked one more time, and she once again declined. 

She left work though feeling a little defeated. She was so very close to a promotion but her drop in mood kept it at bay. It was there for the taking but now she would have to wait the whole weekend out, it make her antsy as hell. Back home though, she was growing hungry and was feeling rather lazy. She settled for making some mac and cheese, however, due to her focus on how she was her own worst enemy at the moment, she actually burned her dinner. Now she was going to have to eat burned mac and cheese. As she sat down to eat it she hated it. It was all wrong.

Nighttime came and she was restless. Nothing to work on, nothing to do. Her mind was racing. Something was missing. She got on her computer and browsed around a little bit, it was then that something caught her eye. She was browsing the adoption forums and her eyes settled on an orange little kitty. Bagel didn't have anyone to play with, she was gone for long hours at a time and it might be nice to have another furry companion running around. She made up her mind and put all the adoption info in. She decided the cat was going to be named Toaster. 

Toaster arrived that night, all washed and clean. She was an adorable little stray orange tabby kitten that turned into a full grown cat the next hour. Her kitten years were behind her and she was ready to start her life as a little hunter alongside Bagel. But first, they had to have a few tumbles to see who was the dominant one. In the end though, Bagel accepted her. The pouncing and playfullness continued on for a good portion of the night as both cats were becoming used to each other.

A not so leisure day!


The very next day, Kalina did it. She had another perfect day and managed herself all the way up to a promotion. In only three days working there, she showed she has what it takes to rise their ranks. She was proud of herself, not terribly because too much pride she was aware would set her up for failure. She smiled as everyone clapped for her and now was a level 2 at her job. With that, also came a small quest for a raise if she wanted it. She only had to deliver some papers to the hospital. Without a second to miss, Kalina accepted the small side job. She got her raise too and that was to the tune of a dollar. Everything was coming up Kalina. 

Just as she was finished handing in the papers though, reality and sadness struck. The workaholic she was, she realized she would be out of work the next day as it was leisure day. Her brain raced with thoughts of what she would do. As the gears spun in her head, she remembered a long while back about hearing how you can make a quick buck with the festival and the flowers, some where rare and pricey. She didn't want to overindulge. Just enough so that she could fix her issues. To her not actually working for her position was cheating. However, she wasn't leaving the faire with out causing a rukus first and decided it was time to make things go ka-boom! 

After a fun filled day, it was finally leisure day. Kalina got herself what she desired most and that was a brand new computer with a nice new desk and chair. Now the workaholic in her was able to work even on her days off. However, that day had other plans for her. That morning her shower decided to break down forcing her to fix it as she was too stingy to call the repair man. Plus, it was good experience on her part. So she spent the morning fixing it up. Though, by the time that was done she needed to mop the floor as it was now a giant wet mess, Bagel had taken the liberty of rolling around in the water giving himself a bath too. Which slightly made things even worse on the poor girl. She managed though. By the time she finally sat down to work though, to her dismay, half the day was already gone. 

She salvaged what few hours she could and worked as hard as she could. Though, some how from all the stress of the day, it just wasn't as fun as she imagined. She could only truly concentrate on a few hours if that. By night time, her boss had called to chat and to make sure the papers were delivered to the hospital.

A new frienmy?!


The next day, Kalina was ready. She was ready to start her way clawing to the top of the business world. This was her chance, her step up to make it. The day went smoothly and she made 150 dollars for the day. She made no mistakes and she was even nearing a promotion. As she headed out the door proud of her first day, her thoughts swum of making food. She had to go grocery shopping and now had the funds to do so. However, as she waited for the taxi to take her shopping, a rustling behind her caught her attention. She could hear some one digging around in the very dumpster she was in prior. Curiousity had gotten the best of her and she decided to check it out.

As she stood there tapping her foot watching the woman dig away, the woman stopped and got out of the dumpster. Giving a shy but happy look at Kalina, and offered her hand. Kalina begrungingly took it and scoffed at the woman. Her proud and snobby nature couldn't stand the thought of some one in her stomping grounds, doing things she did for survival at the moment. Kalina though wisened up just a bit and figured she could try and make friends with this woman. The woman introduced herself as Tomeka.

Tomeka lived on the other side of town with two roommates, had gotten fired from being a Pizza delivery woman, the very woman that gave her pizza last night. As expected.... Kalina was horrified. How could one person get fired from the lowest of all jobs. It was no wonder the poor thing was out here digging through all the trash. Out of the blue, Tomeka suggested they play a small game. Which was rock, paper, scissors. Kalina, took the chance out to be the asshole she was and scared the poor girl, the sheer look of terror on Tomeka's face made her very giddy inside. After that, they exchanged a few more words and Kalina decided she was bored of the girl. 

She finally headed to the grocery store. Back home, she made herself a lovely mozeralla salad. She was happy. It was all coming together, slowly but surely. She had one more day of work, then it was a day off. She wasn't looking forward to that at all. A day off meant that she wasn't going to work towards anymore promotions and that simply was not ok. After dinner, she decided to admire a small prize and put where it fit the most, on her kitchen counter. Kalina left out a tiny detail, she was a klepto and enjoyed stealing things from work. She managed to steal a fruit bowl that very afternoon. What better place to put than where she could admire it most?

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Welcome to the start of Kalina's journey. Where it leads, I do not know. But we will for sure be finding out. We will follow her through all the twists and turns in her life, She begins in a random town with her cat Bagel by her side!

I will document it all through the blog. I hope you enjoy my readers. Feel free to comment, to voice concerns or even things you find amusing! 

Kalina was from Bridgeport, She was born and raised on top of a high rise apartment with her parents. She always dreamed big. The bigger, the better. The adventurer in her though found the city to be too easy. She was raised well though, with plenty of love and life lessons to be obtained. As soon as Kalina left high school though, her biggest plan was to exit out of Bridgeport. Her parents were none too thrilled, but they knew they couldn't keep her restless spirit still. The day came to pass and Kalina took her exit. Her parents gave her enough to survive and off she went. 

She found herself in a stormy quiet town that had much potential for a future. There, she bought herself a small house and settled in. She didn't have dreams of a man, or children right now. The only thing she dreamed of was to rule..... with her trusty cat Bagel by her side. Kalina's big dreams were to become CEO of a large business. It was all she wanted in life. Soon as she set up her new home, she went straight away to apply. She was let in on the grounds she was start from the bottom and work her way up.... with a small bump if she decided to go to college while she was working with them. To all that she agreed. 

After she was hired, Kalina was in the mood for some trouble and decided to go digging through the trash. Not only that, she was low on funds. Perhaps she could find a thing or two to sell or refurbish for her house. Poor girl though, the only thing she could manage to find was a bug or two and a chair. Afterwards, she was stopped by a group of people that just wanted to talk with her. She stunk to high heaven though and was tired from her... unsanitary adventures. All she wanted was a shower and to curl up to he cat, these people would NOT shut up though, no matter how many times she yawned! Finally though, they could see what a bore they were to her and she hailed a taxi back home.

There, she took her shower and decided for her first real day, though she had barely any money, she was going to do it in style and order pizza. How heavenly the smell and taste of it was when it arrived! After, she curled up on the couch with Bagel and pet him until it was time for bed. All in all, Kalina thought she had a decent first day. Her low funds made her worried though that she would even be able to keep this wonderful house that needed many upgrades and furnishings. All in good time though!