Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Morning hijinxs and bad work ethics

 The next morning, just a few short hours before her first day on the job proved to be a very interesting one for Poppy. For some strange reason she was the target of a burglar. Being the bright bulb that Poppy is, she forgot to lock the door last night. In came the burglar sneaking all cat like around the house. It was an easy pick as she didn't have much to offer, so they stole her couch. A very groggy Poppy woke up and heard the commotion and looked around. She was terrified and instantly got on the phone with the cops. Meanwhile, the robber was just moseying on about as she watched helplessly as her things were taken. Just as the cops pulled up, the robber got away. Poppy was furious. Her morning was already ruined and she lost her comphy couch. She laid into the cop with all her frustrations. He offered no help what so ever and said NEXT TIME they would catch the robber.

After the incident, Poppy rushed to get ready for work. The clothes she was given just wasn't gonna cut it what so ever. She needed something that would make a statement, that she was both easy on the articles and.... easy on the eyes. So she picked a nice skimpy dress and thigh high boots and marched proudly into the building. She spent the day kissing up to her boss and absolutley got no where. In fact, she was doing a tremendously bad job. After work, she was ready to pop at this point with anger and spent a good while next to her bosses office window giving herself a good lecture. None the less, she knew she would prevail. The world needed to know about who lived in this town and all the dirty things they were up to!
Several..... several meltdowns later, Poppy was finally feeling a little bit better. Just a smidge. She wanted to cool off and thought of no place better but the pool. She took a quick dive in still stinky as could be and hopped out everything was great except.... her clothes were missing....

A lesson in over eating

 Later that day, Poppy decided she would go out again and get herself that job she was hoping for. However, upon arrival at the building for the journalism, she smelt the whafting tantalizing stench of the trash. Unable to help herself she dove right in and started digging around for what gold she could find. She managed to find a used couch. She didn't know what she could do with it, but none the less held on to it for the time being. She spent a few hours digging and nothing else of value came up.

After that, Poppy decided it was time for the interview. However, she hadn't had a shower or gone back home. Her body reeked with trash. None the less, she held her head up high, had a good sneeze and walked right into the building. To her amazement, she was offered the job. Back home, she was hungry again and decided again on three bowls of mac and cheese.
However, the night was still young. Poppy didn't need to be at work for another 18 hours. The Summer festival was in town and Poppy needed to get some anger out. Surely she could find some one to yell at with all her pent up frustration. Though, that didn't go according to plan. Poppy instead found the roller rink and instead spun around there, nearly falling several times. She wobbled all over the place and screamed. It was great.
In the distance she spotted a man standing in front of a plate and wandered over, at the time she didn't know it but quickly found out she had entered herself into a hotdog eating contest. She didn't know if she had it in her to win after scarfing down three bowls of mac and cheese for dinner. The constestants lining up, didn't quite like the smell of Poppy and kept waving their hands in front of their faces. She still hadn't showered after her trash dive. The bell rang and on they went scarfing them all down. Poppy naturally lost to the green man next to her. She tried her hardest but it just wasn't happening today. Her stomach had proclaimed she had too much to eat and she promptly upchucked behind the hotdog stand.

Conversation means conversion

 Back home poppy decided to have a dance to make herself feel better. She worked up such an appitite it forced her to make some food. She settled on three bowls of mac and cheese. After that she felt like going for a refreshing jog outside. She loved the cool breeze. After that though it was bed time for our dear friend Poppy.

It stormed badly all night. The next morning though, while looking outside Poppy noticed there were deep puddles. It drove her so wild she had to run and play in a few. As she was, she had remembered a spell suddenly she could do called a conversation spell. She bounced around a little bit more then with the gears spinning in her head she ran inside soaked through and through. She ran breathlessly to the fridge and rummaged around thinking about what cool ingredient she could have a conversation with. Then she plucked out what she thought was the coolest item she had. A raw meat patty. If she could get it to talk she would name it Patty.
She stood back, cleared her throat and hoisted her wand in the air, she said a few words and thrashed it about. The spell failed and she hung her head for a moment. Then she cleared her throat and threw her hand up in the air and recited the spell again. Sparks flew out the wand this time as she pointed it at the object. A big cloud of smoke, and the object suddenly was no longer a patty but now a truffle. Poppy was disappointed. It wasn't a conversation spell after all, it was a conversion spell. She wondered what else it could do.

Adventures in Poppyland

Adventures with the newly moved in Poppy.

I was very bored last night and had not played the sims for a good while. I haven't had a.... wild Sim since Hashtag. So... thus I created Poppy. I spent over an hour making her. Boy does she keep me laughing.
Her adventure starts out in river whatever. She starts off by needing to talk to herself (as I redid her house to a more reasonable look) then noticing she had no food she decided to go shopping. However, little Poppy is hot headed. Which means she enjoys to start fights with whomever. Poor lady sitting there enjoying the day got a taste of that as they spent a good bit arguing and Poppy exercised her right to smack her across the face. With an onlooker cheering them on, Poppy lost the battle. She couldn't make friends with the man as he was a celebrity and quickly grew bored of her and her non wealthy antics. So, Poppy took an angry ride home on her broom reflecting on just how she would mess with the town. She decided she was going to try tomorrow to enter the journalism field.